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Mirchi Monsoon Musings
MRP ₹399399

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Prologue The rain slowed down to a drizzle and then a mizzle, as I ventured out. And thought about weathering the storm as a part of our life. From a distance, the Sun’s rays seem to refract through the… … Raindrops and out came the Rainbow, as I recapped Richelle Goodrich’s quote: “Gratitude is the real treasure God wants us to find, because it isn’t pot of gold but the rainbow that colours our world.” After the modest success of my first venture, Mirchi Musings, for which am grateful to the publisher for his efforts and many friends for their purchases to light up the lives of the needy, I was … … Toying with the idea of expanding the concept of colours that touch our lives so intimately. And what better opportunity than the rainy season and the inevitable rainbow, to do so. Which is why, this time around, Mirchi Monsoon Musings is a compilation of 130 Blogs of mine which have been posted to my friends in the past, and are now reaching out to you. Just as ...