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The Mystery of the Magic Mirror
MRP ₹250225

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What happens when you have three kids, a pup, and a ghost together in a huge jungle? Opal and Shailendra, a brother-sister duo, have just moved into a large house on the city outskirts. Much to their amusement, they discover a ghost in their house! Soon, their cousin Krish, with a cute puppy Chutney in tow, comes to visit them during the holidays. The kids embark on an adventure to find out about the ghost and end up befriending him. The friendly ghost Xoxo gets on a mission to find the wicked ghost who possess the evil magic mirror in the jungle and destroy it. The kids help Xoxo, and they venture into the mysterious jungle with duplicated images. How will Xoxo help the kids find the mirror? Will they be able to destroy it and save humanity? Join them in the quest and embark on a journey of a lifetime one replete with vivid imagination and excitement!