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Parenting for Teens
MRP ₹250220

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Does parental monitoring make a difference? Yes. Research shows that teens whose parents use effective monitoring practices are less likely to make poor decisions, such as having sex at an early age, smoking cigarettes, drinking alcohol, being physically aggressive, or skipping school. Clear communication about your expectations is especially important. Research shows that teens who believe their parents disapprove of risky behaviours are less likely to choose those behaviours. Through 25 chapters in the book, the author Seema Gupta shows parents how they can bridge the generation gap with their teenage children with the inclusion of Diary Entries, View Points, Parental Tips and Counsellor''s Advice. Parental monitoring includes: 1. The expectations parents have for their teen''s behaviour 2. The actions parents take to keep track of their teen; and 3. The ways parents respond when their teen breaks the rules. Parents are also monitoring when they 1. Check in with your teen by phone. 2. Get to know his or her friends and their parents. 3. Talk with your teen about how he or she spends time or whether he or she is making safe choices. Set and enforce rules for your teen''s behaviour by clearly explaining the rules and ...