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The Student Mindset
MRP ₹295266

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In ''The Student Mindset: A 30-item toolkit for anyone learning anything'', Steve Oakes and Martin Griffin provide clear, effective and engaging tools designed to help students plan, organise and execute successful learning. Successful students find a way to succeed. They get the results they want. And they achieve this not by superior ability, but by sticking to habits, routines and strategies that deliver those results. By cutting through the noise surrounding academic success and character development, bestselling authors Steve Oakes and Martin Griffin have identified the five key traits and behaviours that all students need in order to achieve their Goals: Vision, Effort, Systems, Practice and Attitude (VESPA). The book has 30 ways to decode student''s issues with their learning and a step by step guide to them overcome these issues. You will discover inside a ready-made series of study strategies, and engaging tools to help you plan, organize and execute effective learning. These tools include a range of effective prioritisation, stress reduction, procrastination-busting and mindset development approaches all neatly packaged into this outstanding practical guide to becoming a successful and confident student. A Note from the Authors: We''ve spent fifty years studying how people ...