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Fake Flame
MRP ₹499450

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To an observer, hauling a piano onto a college campus to publicly serenade an ex might seem like a romantic gesture. To literature professor Eva Campbell, it’s the latest manipulative move by a cheating idiot who won’t take a hint. Plus, she never liked that song anyway! Setting the piano on fire might be an overreaction, but Eva’s at the end of her tether, at least until hot firefighter Sean Hannigan talks her down. And then he’s offering to be Eva’s fake boyfriend to get her creepy ex off her back. Sean battles infernos for a living, reads romance on the side, and is a straight-up, family-loving good guy. Eva’s not sure she’s ready for the danger he poses to her jaded heart. But, despite their differences, the line between real and fake keeps blurring… ''A delightful romp from one of my new favourite authors!'' Suzanne Brockmann, New York Times bestselling author